ハナミズキ (feat. 一青窈) (ARK-DOE Eternal Trance Remix) / ARK-DOE

release date:
Mind Illusion Digital Infected
  • digital
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曲名 参加アーティスト 使用許諾
ハナミズキ (feat. 一青窈) (ARK-DOE Eternal Trance Remix) ARK-DOE (feat. 一青窈) Ask Label


ヒトトランス爆誕か!?札幌を拠点に活動するメロディーメーカーARK-DOEによる一青窈・ハナミズキのトランスリミックス。数々のヴォーカルトランスを手掛けたARK-DOEだけあって聴いて楽しい、MIXで使っても楽しい、そしてしっかり踊れる!を目指し流麗なヴォーカルトランスへと仕上がった。ブレイク部分の「May you and the people you love last a hundred years.」のボイスはなかなかニクイんじゃない?そしてズルいんじゃない?まさに100年続くリミックスへと願いを込めつつエタニティ・・・気合い入ってます。

A trance remix of “Yo Hitoto – Hanamizuki” by Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan-based melody maker ARK-DOE. ARK-DOE, who has composed numerous vocal trance tracks, has created a vocal trance that is fun to listen to, fun to DJ to, and dance to! The vocal trance is a fluid vocal trance that is fun to listen to, fun to use in a mix, and danceable!

The first project of “Rework with” is a collaboration with Yo Hitoto, who celebrated the 20th anniversary of his debut. Yo Hitoto shared TuneCore Japan’s stance of supporting artists, and this “Rework with Hanamizuki” was realized.

Rework with” is a new artist support project by TuneCore Japan, which recently held the “Independent Artist Awards by TuneCore Japan” to mark the 10th anniversary of its service, and aims to support independent artists and their scenes, as the environment surrounding music continues to change drastically. This is a new artist support project aimed at expanding the music creator economy in today’s drastically changing music environment, where independent artists and their scenes are thriving.